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March 4, 2024
Slack meet NEXT
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We're announcing the most consistently demanded integration for NEXT - Slack! And, it's here - Whaoooo.
You can now send to Slack:
📽 Highlights
✨ Threats
🗂 Clusters
And your team can watch highlights, threads, and clusters 👉 inline 👈 directly in Slack and keep up with the latest customer insights and trends.
Thanks to amazing products like Slack and Zapier, the market has evolved to not only requests integrations, but demand those integrations as a critical component of the workflow. Early stage companies, like NEXT, are not given a pass here.
And so, a bit more on the long term vision. Imagine if every Friday at 10am you get a video-DM in Slack highlighting the latest customer insights and trends on a topics of interest. And what if everyone in your org could set up their own Slack DMs covering their respective topics of interest 🤯
Stay tuned ...
We're announcing the most consistently demanded integration for NEXT - Slack! And, it's here - Whaoooo.
You can now send to Slack:
📽 Highlights
✨ Threats
🗂 Clusters
And your team can watch highlights, threads, and clusters 👉 inline 👈 directly in Slack and keep up with the latest customer insights and trends.
Thanks to amazing products like Slack and Zapier, the market has evolved to not only requests integrations, but demand those integrations as a critical component of the workflow. Early stage companies, like NEXT, are not given a pass here.
And so, a bit more on the long term vision. Imagine if every Friday at 10am you get a video-DM in Slack highlighting the latest customer insights and trends on a topics of interest. And what if everyone in your org could set up their own Slack DMs covering their respective topics of interest 🤯
Stay tuned ...
We're announcing the most consistently demanded integration for NEXT - Slack! And, it's here - Whaoooo.
You can now send to Slack:
📽 Highlights
✨ Threats
🗂 Clusters
And your team can watch highlights, threads, and clusters 👉 inline 👈 directly in Slack and keep up with the latest customer insights and trends.
Thanks to amazing products like Slack and Zapier, the market has evolved to not only requests integrations, but demand those integrations as a critical component of the workflow. Early stage companies, like NEXT, are not given a pass here.
And so, a bit more on the long term vision. Imagine if every Friday at 10am you get a video-DM in Slack highlighting the latest customer insights and trends on a topics of interest. And what if everyone in your org could set up their own Slack DMs covering their respective topics of interest 🤯
Stay tuned ...
Starting with NEXT is easy, quick and fun!
Starting with NEXT is easy, quick and fun!
Starting with NEXT is easy, quick and fun!
Bring your customer into every product decision
Bring your customer into every product decision
Bring your customer into every product decision
SOC 2 Type II
Data residency in 27+ countries
38+ transcription languages
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SOC 2 Type II
Data residency in 27+ countries
38+ transcription languages
Unlimited recordings
Unlimited reels
Unlimited video stories
Unlimited teamspaces
Unlimited members
SOC 2 Type II
Data residency in 27+ countries
38+ transcription languages
Unlimited recordings
Unlimited reels
Unlimited video stories
Unlimited teamspaces
Unlimited members